2015 - Present
LIGHTFARM LTD - Director/Editor/Graphic Designer
Production of various video projects (directing, shooting & editing). Develop, design and produce creative designs and marketing materials such as newsletters, brochures, banners, website materials, adverts and more Advert Reversioning and Motion Graphics for various clients.
Video Production
FREEFORMERS - Videos to include in their modules for their Facebook Project
DEAN STREET - Online fitness series
Web Design
LOLO Creative
Cherry VFX
Graphic Designer
THE CONSCIOUS PROFESSIONAL - Promotional materials and guides for Music videos for various new artists
LIMITLESS PRODUCTIONS - Posters, Logos and various promotional material
ANT 1 TV CHANNEL - Director / Editor
Designer Production of various video projects (directing, shooting & editing). Develop, design and produce creative designs and marketing materials such as newsletters, brochures, banners, website materials, adverts and more Advert Reversioning and Motion Graphics for various clients.
NETWIX - Director / Editor
Production of music documentary and web episodes about one of the most famous Greek singers, Sakis Rouvas (directing, shooting & editing)
MEN'S HEALTH - Video Producer, Photographer
Shoot edit and produce backstage videos of photo shoots
ANT 1 SATELLITE - Camera Operator
Chistine's Lagarde ( Managing Director of the IMF) Interview in Washington DC Greek President Alexis Tsipras· speeches and interviews in Washington DC Chase Bank Commercials Reports on Greek American subjects

Stage2021 Nigel, LES GROTESQUES, Michael Park 2019 Hartman, ZOMBOID, The Phenomenological Theatre, Patrick Kennedy 2019 Stanley, BUTTON, Thunder Theatre, Maria Bardi 2019 James, BALLON, Thunder Theatre, Maria Bardi 2017 George Bailey, IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE, Limitless Productions, Vas Constanti 2017 Fred Fenster, THE USUAL SUSPECTS, LVM, Vas Constanti 2017 Ferdynand, THE TEMPEST, London Voice and Motion, Vas Constanti 2011 Cléonte, LE BOURGEOIS GENTILHOMME, Greece, Myrto Kontova
Film2018 Pansy, THIS IS ME (T.I.M), Di Piu Films, Peter Heppelthwaite
Short Films2022 Stern, BEST DAY, Adonis Productions, Sitong Xue 2022 David, THE BREAKFAST CLUB, Sumin Kim 2022 Jake, THE HAUNTING OF VALENTINA, River Lake Film Productions, Fatima Filmer 2020 Thomas, THE COLOUR BLUE, Maria Ruiz 2018 George/Satan, SPELLING BEE, Bonfire Productions, Hope Burgees 2018 Nikitas, THE FABULIST, Limitless Productions, Peter Heppelthwaite 2018 George/Satan, SPELLING BEE, Bonfire Productions, Hope Burgees 2017 Jake, TICKET TO DESTINY, Draxmont Films, Francesco Toschi 2017 John, WALK, Crazy Llama Productions, Veronika Koubova 2016 Freddie, FLATLINED, Kezey Films, Fred Cliord 2012 Pete, IMPATIENCE, Independent, New York, Marina Maesso 2012 Nick, LIFE OF A DOG, Independent, New York, Juan David Sarmiento Burgos 2012 Priest, SECRETS, Independent, New York, Marina Maesso
Television2013 Nektarios, BROUSKO, Antenna TV, Greece, Andreas Georgiou 2011 Manos, THE KINGS, Mega TV, Greece, Pierros Andrakakos
Commercials2011 Client, TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANY, Top Cat, Greece 2010 Traveller, BLUE STAR FERRIES, Top Cat, Greece 2010 Student, ION, Top Cat, Greece
Music Videos2021 Featured Artist, BOYZ, JESY NELSON FT NICKI MINAJ, Bayy 2012 Pet, PURPLE SMOKE, Independent, New York, Zera Insun Yung
Musical2013 Philip, DEMONS, Greece, Yiannis Kakleas
©2020 Created by Nikitas Stamoulis. All rights reserved